Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Methodology Components Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Methodology Components - Essay Example As a research procedure, the school is organized by use of learning methods that have resulted in improved performance in the school (Fullan, 2000). Action research approach should be adopted during the study. The researcher can use both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods to achieve the objectives. Experimental method is appropriate where the researcher can easily interact with the respondents. Two possible methods to be used in data collection are observation and interview (Tompkins, 1998). The researcher should carry out cross data validity to ensure that the information to be gathered is correct. Information can also be collected by data triangulation. Random grouping of the students and treating them equally in the English lesson should be done. The students should come from the same school faculty, experienced same socio-economic environment, same educational backgrounds and educational opportunities, accessed same teaching materials and should have equally attended same curriculum classes. The differences are the groups formed and the teaching model used. Teachers who are supposed to use cooperative learning techniques are taken through training so that they can impart right information to students who will go through the experiment. Teachers who will not use the cooperative learning methods are not supposed to attend this training. Data collection and procedures should be done in three phases and should not last more than two months. At the initial stages, the researcher conducts the pre-test to ascertain students’ attitudes and their educational experiences. Students’ attitude and their achievements in the subject in the past can be collected in form of questionnaires. After pre-test, treatment step for more five weeks follows. The teachers who went through the training on cooperative learning should

Monday, February 10, 2020

What would you do as an educator to make spanish speakers (parents and Assignment

What would you do as an educator to make spanish speakers (parents and students) feel comfortable when they meet you in a school setting - Assignment Example onal domains that are being instilled in them and hence it would be a point of advantage to take into consideration their grey areas and highlight the shortcomings for their own betterment in the long run. I believe I would do them a great service if I look after their needs and requirements and then devise a way which could eventually take care of their learning mechanisms in the long term scheme of things (Goff 2003). This would facilitate them in their quest to achieve greater things within the fields of education and learning. I would also devise the exact ways and means through which they could be assisted in the most feasible manner as far as their learning methodologies and mechanisms are related. These elements are indeed significant as these dictate the kind of optimism that is needed on the part of an educator which I have to take care of at the end of the